Oral Systemic Testing in Muncie, IN

Optimizing health through innovation: Exploring how oral health and genetic testing affect and inform overall well-being.

Understanding Oral Systemic Testing

Exploring the connection between oral health and overall wellness.
Dr. Greg Pyle
Dr. Greg Pyle in front of the dental building at University Avenue Dental smiling as he crosses his arms

Review our in-depth guide that illuminates the interconnectedness of oral health and overall well-being.

We highlight the relationship between oral health and systemic wellness, showcasing fascinating discoveries fueled by genetic testing and innovative dental methodologies such as Guided Biofilm Therapy.

Learn how your DNA can impact your oral health and how advancements in saliva testing are reshaping dental care.

We invite you to navigate this enlightening space, enabling you to make informed decisions and adopt a holistic approach toward a healthier, more joyful you.

Topics Covered:

  • Oral Systemic Health

  • Guided Biofilm Therapy

  • Saliva Testing

  • Genetic Testing

Oral Systemic Health

Importance of early detection and comprehensive health assessment.

A man opens his mouth to have a swab taken of his saliva.

Oral systemic health is the interconnected relationship between oral health and overall systemic (whole-body) health.

It acknowledges that the health of the mouth and teeth can impact and be impacted by the health of other bodily systems, such as the cardiovascular, respiratory, endocrine, and immune systems.

Research has shown strong links between oral health and several systemic conditions.

  • Cardiovascular Health

    Gum disease is linked to heart disease and stroke, possibly due to inflammation and bacterial influence exacerbating heart conditions.

  • Diabetes
    Diabetes increases gum disease risk; untreated gum issues can complicate blood sugar control.
  • Respiratory Health

    Gum disease correlates with pneumonia and COPD, as mouth bacteria can cause respiratory problems.

  • Pregnancy and Birth Outcomes

    Periodontal disease relates to preterm birth and low birth weight, emphasizing oral health’s significance during pregnancy.

  • Rheumatoid Arthritis

    Periodontal disease might impact rheumatoid arthritis severity due to shared inflammation pathways.

A man opens his mouth to have a swab taken of his saliva.

Guided Biofilm Therapy (GBT)

Enhancing oral health and overall well-being through comprehensive cleaning.
Close-up of a patient having their teeth cleaned

Guided Biofilm Therapy (GBT) is a modern and comprehensive approach to dental cleaning and hygiene that involves the meticulous removal of dental plaque and biofilm from the teeth and gums. Biofilm is a thin layer of microorganisms, including bacteria, that adhere to the tooth surface and can cause various oral health issues, such as tooth decay and gum disease.

The GBT process typically includes the following steps:

  • Assessment

    Evaluating oral health, assessing the presence and extent of biofilm, stains, and calculus to establish a comprehensive understanding.

  • Dental Plaque Disclosure

    Highlighting plaque areas on teeth for precise identification and targeted removal, aiding in thorough cleaning.

  • Ultrasonic Scaling

    High-frequency vibrations and water spray with ultrasonic tools to remove calculus and biofilm, breaking down hardened deposits.

  • Air Polishing

    Utilize air, water, and fine powder mix to gently and effectively remove stains, biofilm, and soft deposits, leaving teeth smooth and clean.

  • Antimicrobial Therapy

    Apply antimicrobial agents to teeth and gums to control bacterial growth and prevent further biofilm formation.

Benefits of Oral Systemic Testing

Early disease detection and prevention for improved health outcomes.

An icon of a shiny tooth
Early Disease Detection

Oral Systemic Testing can identify early signs of diseases like diabetes or cardiovascular problems, allowing for timely intervention and prevention strategies, enhancing overall health outcomes.

An icon of a person
Personalized Treatment Planning

Oral Systemic Testing provides insights into an individual's specific health risks, enabling personalized treatment plans that address unique health needs and optimize treatment effectiveness and outcomes.

An icon of a smile
Improved Oral Health

By linking oral health to overall health, Oral Systemic Testing promotes comprehensive well-being. Treating oral issues can positively impact systemic health and vice versa, fostering a healthier lifestyle.

An icon of a tooth
Enhanced Disease Management

Through regular monitoring and tracking, Oral Systemic Testing aids in managing chronic conditions like periodontal disease, offering valuable data for better disease control and improved quality of life.

Saliva Testing

Gaining a clear understanding of your oral health.

A man opens his mouth to have his tongue and mouth swabbed for saliva testing

Saliva testing refers to the analysis and examination of saliva to assess various aspects of oral health and diagnose potential oral health issues.

Overall, saliva testing is a valuable tool in dentistry that allows for a better understanding of a patient’s oral health status, aiding in early diagnosis and effective management of oral health conditions.

  • Salivary pH Levels

    Abnormal levels can indicate an increased risk of tooth decay or other dental issues.

  • Salivary Flow Rate

    Reduced salivary flow can lead to dry mouth (xerostomia) and other oral health problems.

  • Salivary Gland Function

    Assessment of adequate saliva production to ensure healthy levels.

  • Salivary Biomarkers

    Saliva provides information about a person’s general health or risk of certain diseases.

Saliva testing is used for various purposes in dentistry, including:

  • Oral health assessment

  • Early disease detection

  • Personalized treatment planning

A man opens his mouth to have his tongue and mouth swabbed for saliva testing

Genetic Testing

New methods, better results!
A mature couple embraces and smiles

Heart disease affects 81 million Americans and is the culprit in one of every two deaths in the United States. The good news is that most heart disease is preventable with the right strategies, even if you have a family history!

Have you ever wondered how some people seem invincible to things such as their diet or lifestyle while others simply can’t “get over the hump” even when changes are made?

Recently, Dr. PyleGo to Dr. Pyle’s page became a participating doctor in the Bale Doneen method, which utilizes bloodwork, genetic testing, and nutritional and fitness coaching to help prevent heart disease, strokes, and even type 2 diabetes!

As you know, our office has always taken a preventative approach. From saliva testing to sleep apnea testing and now genetic testing, we work with your primary care physician to let our patients achieve peak health!

  • Frank’s Sign (crease on ear lobes): 78% chance of coronary artery disease
  • Frontal parietal baldness: 40% increased risk of heart attack
  • Crown baldness (male pattern baldness in the back): 13% increased risk of heart attack
  • Xanthomas (cholesterol collection under the skin): Indicates increased cholesterol levels and cardiovascular risk
  • Fordyce granules (white spots on mucosal tissue): Associated with high cholesterol and higher risk of cardiovascular disease
  • Elevated blood pressure (top number reaching 120): Increased risk of heart attack and stroke
  • Increased waist measurement (especially around the belly button): Linked to a higher risk of arterial disease, heart attack, and stroke
  • Resting heart rate above 75: Significant risk of sudden cardiac death for men and heart attack for both men and women
  • Autoimmune conditions (e.g., rheumatoid arthritis, Lupus, psoriasis, Sjogren’s Syndrome, Crohn’s disease, asthma): Associated with increased risk of cardiovascular disease
  • Migraine headaches: Linked to an increased risk of ischemic events (stroke or heart attack) caused by atherosclerosis
  • Chronic kidney disease: Indicates increased risk of microvascular disease and cardiovascular issues
  • Gallstones and kidney stones: Associated with a higher risk of cardiovascular events
  • Heavy metal exposure (e.g., arsenic, lead, cadmium, copper): Increases the risk of heart attack and stroke
  • Air pollution exposure: Raises the risk of cardiovascular disease
  • Prolonged work hours (more than 55 hours a week): Increases the risk of heart attack and stroke
  • Proton pump inhibitors (long-term use): Linked to a 16-20% increase in lifetime risk of heart attacks and strokes
  • Blood type (AB and B blood types): Increase the lifetime risk of heart attack and stroke
  • Divorce history: Increases the risk of heart attack, particularly for women
  • Cancer and cancer treatments: Raise the risk of heart disease due to radiation exposure and chemotherapy effects
  • Pregnancy-related conditions (e.g., preeclampsia, gestational diabetes, hypertension during pregnancy): Indicate increased risk of cardiovascular disease
  • Menopausal hot flashes: Demonstrate an increased risk of cardiovascular issues
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